Sunday, March 29, 2009

Counter hits 100!!! Yay!

Today my blog was visited for the hundredth time!!! Yay! I can't believe it would hit 100 so soon! OMGOMGOMG!!!

My brother finished second in his chess tournament, but we didn't get the Guitar Hero game. I was disappointed, but he got to pick a smaller game that he wanted. His trophy is huge and blue.

Leigh Davidson came over today for 1 and 1/2 hours!! It was short and (message to Daniel: Leigh saw your ?plane? ride pictures that you wanted her to see on Facebook) we mostly played this new game I got for my DS called Professor Layton and the Curious Village. It is so fun!!!

You have to solve all these brain bender/mind teasers/brain teasers/puzzles to solve the mystery and go through the adventure. I'm stuck on this really hard one where you have to make these 3 guys who hate each other not cross paths. One amazing thing was that a puzzle I had spent almost an hour on in the demo on the website (and still didn't complete it), the same one popped up while I was playing with Leigh, and I figured it out in 11 moves, the minimum amount of moves required to solved the problem (in like 5 min). I'm starting to agree that Leigh is pretty special.

I spread pine straw over the backyard and on that little overdrop that you have to cross to get to the trampoline. It was really hard, and I did it without help from my brother (except for the back of the backyard) because he was too busy getting 4 hours of playtime with his friends. I was really angry at him because when I told him what I had done he just laughed at me with his friends. And I only got 1 hr 30 min to play!!! Grr...

Can't wait for school tomorrow!!! =)

Friday, March 27, 2009

Eric's at Jekyll Island...

Eric and my parents are at Jekyll Island so I'm here with my grandparents. Explaining-My brother has a chess tournament to go to. If he does well, me and my brother can finally get that Guitar Hero IV: World Tour set my dad has been holding over our heads for quite some time. But I don't have that much hope, because Eric's really unstable at tournaments, if you know what I mean.

Oh, by the way, to the people who have read Bleach or wants to read any other popular Manga Series (Like Naruto or DragonballZ) here is an awesome place where you can read it for free, so you don't have to buy the actual book.=)
We are still slaving around the house, enough to make me dread the weekends. Uggh. This weekend isn't any better. In addition, I can't have any playdates cause... u know.

It's kinda weird how I sort my school day..
Morning-Math. Once math is over I can finally start enjoying my day
Afternoon-Rest of my periods. They are ok, I really don't have a favorite one.
Post Afternoon-Band. Nice. A few friends in that class make it interesting...
Post of Post Afternoon-HEALTH!!! =) Mr. Lyon is so awesome and funny!

So... =)=)=)

Why don't any of you participate in my survey? I'm hurt... jk. There are like no votes.

Oh and guess what! I added a visit counter to my blog that counts how many times this page has been loaded. Awesome!!! It's actually a lot more than I expected. Like 10x more! Thnx everybody!!!

I just had an idea! We can start a Role Playing! You know, like I write a story and you continue it. But you guys (if you want to do it) will have to "register", I guess (press the comment button and write the necessary information). I'm not expecting much, but if at least one of you "registers", we can do it. How about it!!!??
Ok, so here is how it goes:

Name: Ayame "Aya" Karasuma (click here for a random Japanese name generator)
Gender: Girl
DOB: July 23
Nationality: Japanese ( I dunno why I suddenly felt like being someone Japanese) o.O
Appearance: Deep Purple eyes, long black hair, pale skin. Tall but slightly fat. She may sound pretty but overall she isn't. Her nose is small and pinchy and her ears a bit too big. Yet lots of guys like her because of her unusual purple eyes
Personality: She is very energetic. However, she is a big klutz who lives in the shadow of her "perfect" big sister. She has lots of friends and tends of overreact a lot in simple situations.
Interesting Stuff: She has a weird obsession with carrots, and its also obsessed with her weight. She likes the colors orange and yellow and smiles a lot.
Ok. The girl in the picture has reddish-purple eyes but she fit all my other requirements. You don't HAVE to upload a picture. I don't think you even can from the comment box. If you want to load a picture just give the link. =)

If you've read all the way to the bottom of this post, give yourself a pat on the back! =)

Monday, March 23, 2009

Reflections State 1st place Winner! Oh yea!

Hello Everyone! I felt like telling the whole world that I got number 1 (yes one!!) in the state for Reflections in the Musical Composition section. I'm so happy! When I move to New Jersey at least I'll have something to brag about. However, my entry didn't make it to go to Nationals. After State the grades get divided into divisions (Senior 9-12, Intermediate 6-8, Junior 3-5, etc) and even though I was first the guy who won first place for eighth grade moved onto nationals. Another thing that made me angry was that they didn't display the musical scores of the Musical Compostion winners. The music wasn't even played! I was so angry! They had to leave out the musical composition entries out of the display. It made me SOOOO angry!
I spent the whole weekend renovating my house. Actually, I mostly worked on the front and back yard. My parents decided that planting these Florida flowers in a circle around our tree in the front yard about half an inch apart were necessary, as well as digging up our bamboo trees and rolling them over and lifting them up onto that little outdrop thingy that you have to walk on to get onto the trampoline. As well as planting a row of flowers along the fence in the back yard. Yeah. My back and neck and legs were SO sore after that!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Beauty Is...

I felt like writing a composition on Beauty and I was wondering If you could read it and comment on it for some constructive criticism. Some of you might have seen some form of this composition, but I've changed it a bit.

Beauty is (insert fitting word that I have not found yet)



The trees murmur and whisper to each other as they sway their leaves in a rhythmic dance that bestows tribute to the wind. They shiver in inhuman ecstasy as they tell stories that no one hears. I listen to the hidden voices play their music.

One leaf isolates itself from its mother branch; it falls, twisting and turning, catching itself upon the zephyr, riding upon it. It silently, gently, floats upon the ground, accepting its fate, staring at the ground, waiting. I admire its courage.

The sky is cloudless, the purest shade of light sapphire. It almost seems to burn my eyes in its unfailing purity. I feel insignificant against the sage witness of history. I wonder. Does it remember when it had been filled with the gunshots of war; does it remember days of simple happiness and peace?

The breeze gently flutters my hair, affectionately stroking my cheek. It gently envelops me-cool, calming, like an invisible cloud. Chills crawl down my back in rapture. I close my eyes and reach for the wind with my fingertips.

My bare feet dip onto the cold ground, and they go forward. I know they are under my mute command. It seems impossible not to appreciate the insignificant speck that dots where I am standing. Every breath I take is a miracle. Life is a miracle.

The water from my pond ripples from the wind. Circle after circle, line after line. It arches and twists, graceful and smooth. Every gentle puff of wind makes a difference. I watch them elegantly carve their portrait.

A fountain resides in the middle of my pond. From it water drops are thrown into the heavens, sparkling, winking in the reflected light of the sun, falling, and then they are gone. I watch them perform their ballet.

I unlock the worn door of splendor. I hardly dare to breathe in the horror that I may send myself hurtling back through the door, never to return. But I don’t.

For one moment, time freezes and everything softens into a dewy mellowness. Colors blend, and I realize—This is beauty.

Hope you like it!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

some random things for a start

Yay! I've just started blogging!!! And I have no idea what to write! I was thinking that I use this blog to update my friends on mehlife when I move to New Jersey! I finally found out where I"m going for Spring Break. I'm going to New Jersey to look at houses. I've found some great ones with my dad and stuff lak that but i've learned that you can't have EVERYTHING that you want in a house. That sucks but oh well. My math homework is so fusturating right now! I'm so bored of it and I can't believe it's actually 9:21! time flies. Demi Lovato is so pretty! sorry i was looking at pictures of her in my awesome Google Sidebar. I'm now proudly updated on her show "Sonny with a Chance!" I watched the episodes I missed on Megavideo. Great place. Its free. However, I'm not that really crazy about the show's name, though its awesomely funny. I had to giggle quietly cause i didn't want to disturb mah parents.
I forgot to mention how clean my house is! I still have not found a single friend that can come look at my beautifully shiny and empty and clean house. I feel kind of sad, too, cause it's a visible sign that reminds me that I"m going to move. But I don't try to worry myself over those kind of thoughts. That brings me back to that phrase "Time flies". I asked my mom ( by the way, she found/accepted a job in New JErsey) whether I could throw a huge farewell party for all my friends but she was like, "yeah michelle go do your homework i guess you can."
Well, I'll post later. Probably every weekend. I have to finish my math homework. =)