Sunday, March 29, 2009

Counter hits 100!!! Yay!

Today my blog was visited for the hundredth time!!! Yay! I can't believe it would hit 100 so soon! OMGOMGOMG!!!

My brother finished second in his chess tournament, but we didn't get the Guitar Hero game. I was disappointed, but he got to pick a smaller game that he wanted. His trophy is huge and blue.

Leigh Davidson came over today for 1 and 1/2 hours!! It was short and (message to Daniel: Leigh saw your ?plane? ride pictures that you wanted her to see on Facebook) we mostly played this new game I got for my DS called Professor Layton and the Curious Village. It is so fun!!!

You have to solve all these brain bender/mind teasers/brain teasers/puzzles to solve the mystery and go through the adventure. I'm stuck on this really hard one where you have to make these 3 guys who hate each other not cross paths. One amazing thing was that a puzzle I had spent almost an hour on in the demo on the website (and still didn't complete it), the same one popped up while I was playing with Leigh, and I figured it out in 11 moves, the minimum amount of moves required to solved the problem (in like 5 min). I'm starting to agree that Leigh is pretty special.

I spread pine straw over the backyard and on that little overdrop that you have to cross to get to the trampoline. It was really hard, and I did it without help from my brother (except for the back of the backyard) because he was too busy getting 4 hours of playtime with his friends. I was really angry at him because when I told him what I had done he just laughed at me with his friends. And I only got 1 hr 30 min to play!!! Grr...

Can't wait for school tomorrow!!! =)


  1. You have Professor Layton and the Curious Village? Lucky... I really want that game. It seems fun.
