Oh, by the way, to the people who have read Bleach or wants to read any other popular Manga Series (Like Naruto or DragonballZ) here is an awesome place where you can read it for free, so you don't have to buy the actual book.=)
We are still slaving around the house, enough to make me dread the weekends. Uggh. This weekend isn't any better. In addition, I can't have any playdates cause... u know.
It's kinda weird how I sort my school day..
Morning-Math. Once math is over I can finally start enjoying my day
Afternoon-Rest of my periods. They are ok, I really don't have a favorite one.
Post Afternoon-Band. Nice. A few friends in that class make it interesting...
Post of Post Afternoon-HEALTH!!! =) Mr. Lyon is so awesome and funny!
Afternoon-Rest of my periods. They are ok, I really don't have a favorite one.
Post Afternoon-Band. Nice. A few friends in that class make it interesting...
Post of Post Afternoon-HEALTH!!! =) Mr. Lyon is so awesome and funny!
So... =)=)=)
Why don't any of you participate in my survey? I'm hurt... jk. There are like no votes.
Oh and guess what! I added a visit counter to my blog that counts how many times this page has been loaded. Awesome!!! It's actually a lot more than I expected. Like 10x more! Thnx everybody!!!
I just had an idea! We can start a Role Playing! You know, like I write a story and you continue it. But you guys (if you want to do it) will have to "register", I guess (press the comment button and write the necessary information). I'm not expecting much, but if at least one of you "registers", we can do it. How about it!!!??
Ok, so here is how it goes:
Name: Ayame "Aya" Karasuma (click here for a random Japanese name generator)
Gender: Girl
DOB: July 23
Nationality: Japanese ( I dunno why I suddenly felt like being someone Japanese) o.O
Appearance: Deep Purple eyes, long black hair, pale skin. Tall but slightly fat. She may sound pretty but overall she isn't. Her nose is small and pinchy and her ears a bit too big. Yet lots of guys like her because of her unusual purple eyes
Personality: She is very energetic. However, she is a big klutz who lives in the shadow of her "perfect" big sister. She has lots of friends and tends of overreact a lot in simple situations.
Interesting Stuff: She has a weird obsession with carrots, and its also obsessed with her weight. She likes the colors orange and yellow and smiles a lot.
If you've read all the way to the bottom of this post, give yourself a pat on the back! =)
An RP? Cool idea, but what would it be on?
ReplyDeleteI don't know. I guess we could make it up as we go. I'll start, if you want.