Monday, April 6, 2009

Spring Break!!!!

It's Spring Break! Yay!! I'm kinda and kinda not excited. I woke up this morning at 9, and I was like OMG I'M LATE FOR SCHOOL but then I was like oh yeah it's Spring Break. My brother came in and showed me two new quarter-backs that he found. One was Alaska and another was Hawaii. I thought that was kind of ironic, in a way.

I had a really weird dream last night. I don't want to bore you with the details, but I was sent to an asylum for some reason (that had to do with a French class?) and met a guy with superhuman knowlege and we escaped together and then ran away, with all these people on our heels. I seemed to have superhuman leg strength, as I bounded over fences and buildings easily. It felt so real. Weird. Daniel, Christina, Sarah, and Akash Doshi was in my dream. You guys were in my French class. Except for Akash I spotted him when I jumped over a fence. He was rubbing his head. It was really really really strange.

My dad's going to have to take away my brother and my games and wii console after tomorrow because he doesn't want anybody to steal anything when people start viewing the house. I spent an hour yesterday perfecting "Medium" level in Guitar Hero. I know that sounds pitiful but along the way I managed to get 98% of the notes of "My Name is Jonas" on Medium. I LOVE THAT SONG IT'S SO AWESOME!!! And then I attempted to play "Welcome to the Jungle" or something like that on Medium. I actually got 86% of the notes right!
Today (I just came back from playing Guitar Hero) I managed to play "Cliffs of Dover" on Medium with 91% right!!! I LOVE THAT SONG TOO!! You have to listen to both songs!

I found two great "To do list" sites that can help you remember stuff when your busy and be more efficient. Go recommend to your parents or go use it. Remember the Milk and Voo2do. The signups are free. Both are pretty good, but I think RTM has an easier to use interface, and isn't as confusing. And its cow is cute.

My dad found a list of every job in the US and their salaries. It's very nice. I don't know if I can download PDF stuff on my blog. Sorry. Go look for it tho, I think it's on the US Department of Labor website.

I saw the new episode of Sonny with a Chance!!! Called "Fast Friends." Jenny F. was TTLY! right! The little dog in the show, called Cupcake, is SOOO CUTE!!! OMGOMG!!! It was pretty funny but I noticed Zora wasn't there.

<3 Michelle!!!

1 comment:

  1. OMG! this is insanely old, but I <3<3<3 guitar hero! haha! i played it at ashys house and got an 86% on like free bird expert. but me and ashy were playing it together(shared to guitar) good times. good times..
