This is a (??blurb??)/result of a strike of inspiration when my friend Sarah Allen and I were talking about that thunder like a week ago. It's amazing and you should read it. Write your comments and what you think about it, Sarah would really like to know:
The darkness was around me. It pushed against me, living...feeding...being off of my fears that hung around the room. There was no light. Light was warm, safe. It brought peace to the darkness I feared. But there was no light here. Only black. Only darkness.
It seemed to come closer now. Lurking in every corner, every part of my room. It padded forward, like a deadly cat, ready to pounce. It was so close...I could almost feel the shadows rubbing against my check, whispering false hope in my ears. It was trying to confuse me, take me away from the little warmness that I had left.
So close...
The moon seemed to fade from my window. Maybe a cloud. Or maybe the dark had overpowered its soft, pulsing glow. The gentle silver that brought small light in the night was fading. Fading...Fading...Now it was but a sliver. Then it was gone. It came, it came.... The darkness, the shadows, they seemed to come quicker then before. The cat turned into a panther, stalking its prey. Its frightened prey. Trying to run, trying to hide from the predator that it knew was right behind it... That it knew that it was moving closer...
So close...
I wanted to run. But where? There was no light here. There was no beautiful moon to help me. No sun to fight the shadows. Not even a candle to provide light. Only black. Only darkness. Its cold hand moved once more against my face, begging...pleading...
Screams that only I could hear. Full of pain and sorrow. They too wanted light. Light...Warmth...To fell its rays pulsing against the skin, filling it with joy. Banishing the darkness from their shadowed skin. Wanting to away from this. This room of horror, of screams and darkness and shadows. Of pain. No light. Where...? Where...? Where is that wondering sight? Of the sun. Of the moon. Of light. Of beauty. Of warmth.
I wanted to scream. I wanted to sob. Why couldn't it go away? Why did it have to choose me? This shadow...This predator...Why was it following me? Padding so close... Jumping in the air, claws outstretched, attacking the prey below. While it tried to run. Run prey... Move. Move away from the shadows, the darkness, even though you know it's the end. You know it. You know that it is coming. The carful hunter, you know it sees you. It's green eyes are staring at you. Waiting...waiting...
So close....
So you run. Move. Escape. Try. Try little prey. Little mouse. Run. Move. It's behind you. You know it. You fear it. It doesn't fear you. It smiles. You don't see it though. You are running from fate. You are running from the predator, that is trying to capture you between its claws. That is going to capture you. You know it. You've seen it.
I want to cry for you. You run, you move. Why does it have to be? Tears. I can see you running. I am you. You are me. The prey, the mouse, it moves. So close, even closer. Eyes. Green eyes. Seeing you. Even through the darkness. The shadows. Where is the light? Sun. Moon. Stars. There is nothing. Nothing to stop it. The hunt. The capture. Run. Run prey. Run me. Run.
Who are you little prey? Little me? Running from this darkness. You know it is your fate. To run. To hide. To be defeated. But why? You are me. I am you. You know what I am saying. Why do run? Do you fear? Fear this darkness? I know. You scream it with words that only I can hear. I know that. I am you. You want to do it. To turn around. To face this darkness.
Voices. You. Are you talking? How? You are me. I am you. Who is saying this? Prey? Mouse? Me?
I will not...
I plead. Do it. Stop it. You want to. You need to. Predator. Green eyes. It looks at you. But what? In what? Amusement? Or maybe in fear... Yes... The darkness is scared. It needs you. To feast on you. Control you. By why should you let it? Turn. Turn me. Mouse. Prey.
Reasons...reasons...Don't think. That's what it wants. The darkness. The shadows. Let thought go away. It is only you. You are running, running through this forest. For what. Yourself? No. Never. You ran. For whom? Predator. It wants you. You're only doing what it wants. Please, mouse, prey, me, myself...
I want to scream with joy. I can see it. I can see you. You turn. Face the monster. Not a panther anymore. Nothing. Everything. Darkness. Green eyes. No, red eyes. It has changed. Why do you tense? You can do it. Defeat it. You control it. Don't let it control you. You beat it. Win.
Attack. You, the mouse. The prey. Me. We both do it. Our claws become one. We aren't a mouse any more. We are the predator. We are the hunter. Darkness... Run. Light is coming. Stars, moon, sun. You're time is up. Why do you struggle? I can see it. You can see it. Darkness is fading.
I can feel it. The sun, moving up. You are not the panther. You are not the predator. Run mouse. Mouse of darkness. We have won. Not you. Try again if you want. But you will lose. Little shadows. You are nothing in the sun. In the warmth. Light.
Your screams. You know that you have been beaten. So you do it. You run. Flee. Go back into nothingness. You know that we will win. We have always win. So run. Run. Run darkness. Try again. Not now, maybe later. But you know it, even when we fail to remember it. When we lose hope. You know that we will win. The light. The mouse.
The sun...
Enjoy!!!! Leave comments below!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Some Poems You Should Read By Rozanne Stark
These were written by Rozanne Stark along with recipes in a cookbook called The Supper Club. I really liked them and you should read them too!!! (By the way, her blog is The White Buffalo Bonanza) Enjoy!
Poems in The Supper Club Include:
"Something on Marriage"
"Apricot Pits and Bitter Almonds"
"Home Garden"
"Home Sweet Home"
"Woman Shopper"
"Paper Dolls and plastic Beads"
"Afternoon Practice"
"A Day with My Three Dogs"
"Is this a Poem?"
"Dia de los Muertos"
because of the second car discount
on her insurance premium,
health insurance, and his socks to wear.
She won't need an electric blanket.
She can go to a restaurant
and not feel like a pick-up.
He can tell the neighbors to be quiet,
fill her prescriptions, and fix supper
when she has the flu.
A woman should marry young
and never divorce or else
she'll have to pay her own rent.
A woman needs someone to take care of her.
Love is one thing, but marriage
is something altogether different.
From my cookbook, The Supper Club,© 1985, Rozanne.
for $2.99 a pound. She mumbled the price
of apple cider. Then she stared at me
when she rang the pineapple, coconut and raisins.
Finally she said in a clear voice,
"Don't they have any bags for the spinach."
She got her fingers muddy.
"Anyone else, anyone else," she said.
"Excuse me, mam, I forgot the tea in my basket.
"I'm sorry, you have to ring second ticket."
But really my trip to the farmer's market
was a useless remedy to my coffee addiction.
Like apricot pits and bitter almonds,
useless remedy for cancer, cyanide in the blood.
I stopped for coffee on the way home.
From my cookbook, The Supper Club,© 1985, Rozanne.
This one is for desserts. I wrote it at a time I was trying to give up coffee
I've always wanted an asparagus garden.
When I was a child asparagus grew wild
on the hill across the street.
Early every morning I picked sprouts.
The package says it's worth the effort
and waiting three years for a crop.
But then the bed is permanent
with a crop for twenty years.
I spaded and pulverized the soil.
We'd plant a garden on Mother's Day.
Broccoli, squash and muskmelon,
cucumbers, cauliflower and asparagus.
Sunflowers, zinnias, and marigolds.
We'd make a garden this year.
The children would have asparagus in adulthood,
like the pecan tree
my daddy planted when I was a child.
I waited till noon. Plans changed.
The children' won't be coming home
for Mother's Day. In my hands
I hold twelve packages of seeds.
From my cookbook, The Supper Club,© 1985, Rozanne.
This one was for sauces, vegetables, soup, and sandwiches
on a tea towel when I was sixteen,
a young woman at the stove
and a cat nearby, a teenage girl's
dream of happiness in cross stitch.
With every stitch I dreamed
of the man I would marry,
the children I would raise,
the home I would have.
In those days a girl had a hope chest.
So I made tea towels and pillow cases
and samplers. All the women
of my family embroidered.
"Life had not reward nobler than friendship."
"Today is the first day of the rest of your life."
"Thank you for the world so sweet,
thank you for the food we eat."
"Home is best," stained spotted towel.
It's twenty years later and
I'm divorced. I'm a temporary typist.
From my cookbook, The Supper Club,© 1985, Rozanne.
This is the one for breads
seven shopping bags full of cans
and all her belongings.
She sat huddled in a corner
her bas beside her
waiting for the bus I guess.
Why would she become a bag lady?
From my cookbook, The Supper Club,© 1985, Rozanne.
This one is for Salads
repeating the memories of the future
with our paper dolls and plastic beads
and yearnings to be grown up
and play house with real dishes,
a husband and babies.
One day it is real,
but we must remember
we are little girls forever
with memories of the future
plus a grocery list.
From my cookbook The Supper Club,© 1985,Rozanne
I'm finished putting the notebook together, but thought I'd type a few of my poems. This one was in the section titled "Letters to Children."
to the Batman theme song on TV
while the egg timer ticks the minutes
till the clothes are ready for the rinse cycle
and I run down the stairs to turn the knob.
The washing machine timer is broken.
I tune out the TV
and the kids tune out the piano
and we both enjoy what we're doing
to the background hum of air conditioning
on this scorching hot July afternoon in Atlanta.
The bell rings before I finish the song.
From my cookbook The Supper Club,© 1985,Rozanne
These are from the cookbook I typed up for David when he was busy in plays in high school. Most of it I wrote while on this boring temporary job as a receptionist where I barely answered the phone
and the reflection of the prism
on the bedroom door
I know I've made it one more day.
From my cookbook The Supper Club,© 1985,Rozanne
This is my favorite for breakfast, drinks and punch. I wrote it right after the Iranian hostages were released and they said how wonderful it was to see daylight.
Michelle joined us.
Forgot to watch for wagging tails.
All comfortable.
Meals, several times a day.
Tails wagging.
We are all comfortable.
Hoover comes from yard
When he hears clicker.
Tails wagging, very happy.
Hunter comes from other room
When he heard me
Working with Hoover.
Episode, quick growl at backdoor
Over who would go out.
Had just been so happy.
Very good at supper.
Wagging tails, motivated.
Michelle is getting grouchy at door.
(Footnote: Michelle is not me, it is her sheltie)
though not too bad,
just sort of bad
in that I can't see
the small print on the bottle
to find out how much lotion to put on my arm.
I have to reach my neck like a giraffe
over the frozen food counter
to see if I'm buying flounder or orange roughy.
I can't decipher red print against purple flowers and green lily pads.
I thought it was my glasses.
Yes, it must be my glasses that I have this problem
or maybe the cataracts are getting worse.
I've always had trouble seeing
so that's a good thing.
You don't really know you are getting older
just because now you can't see as well.
The dead always leave something behind.
My mother left her fingernail in her bed.
My dad left unpaid traffic tickets in his car
My mother-in-law left an angel paperweight
In her otherwise empty house.
My father-in-law left a black butterfly
Who on occasion lingers at my backporch.
My dad left more, the West Texas sunset,
A sun that filled the entire sky as he departed
And every now and then returns,
And my mother-in-law left me Michelle,
Now my Michelle, the sheltie
Who died today as I was bathing her
And she left some of her hair in the drain.
I found it there as I cleaned the tub
For a warm bath to relax and forget this day.
Her spot is empty where she slept
At the foot of my bed near the dresser
But her shrill bark pierces the silence
Of our All Saint’s Day vigil, disturbing me
And my two other dogs who sniff blankets
And bark at imaginary sounds
Now that Michelle is gone.
Mother, where are you when I need you?
Would you send me your prayers.
Poems in The Supper Club Include:
"Something on Marriage"
"Apricot Pits and Bitter Almonds"
"Home Garden"
"Home Sweet Home"
"Woman Shopper"
"Paper Dolls and plastic Beads"
"Afternoon Practice"
"A Day with My Three Dogs"
"Is this a Poem?"
"Dia de los Muertos"
Something on Marriage
A woman should stay marriedbecause of the second car discount
on her insurance premium,
health insurance, and his socks to wear.
She won't need an electric blanket.
She can go to a restaurant
and not feel like a pick-up.
He can tell the neighbors to be quiet,
fill her prescriptions, and fix supper
when she has the flu.
A woman should marry young
and never divorce or else
she'll have to pay her own rent.
A woman needs someone to take care of her.
Love is one thing, but marriage
is something altogether different.
From my cookbook, The Supper Club,© 1985, Rozanne.
Apricot Pits and Bitter Almonds
She stared at me when she rang the pecansfor $2.99 a pound. She mumbled the price
of apple cider. Then she stared at me
when she rang the pineapple, coconut and raisins.
Finally she said in a clear voice,
"Don't they have any bags for the spinach."
She got her fingers muddy.
"Anyone else, anyone else," she said.
"Excuse me, mam, I forgot the tea in my basket.
"I'm sorry, you have to ring second ticket."
But really my trip to the farmer's market
was a useless remedy to my coffee addiction.
Like apricot pits and bitter almonds,
useless remedy for cancer, cyanide in the blood.
I stopped for coffee on the way home.
From my cookbook, The Supper Club,© 1985, Rozanne.
This one is for desserts. I wrote it at a time I was trying to give up coffee
Home Garden
I bought packages of seeds for a gardenI've always wanted an asparagus garden.
When I was a child asparagus grew wild
on the hill across the street.
Early every morning I picked sprouts.
The package says it's worth the effort
and waiting three years for a crop.
But then the bed is permanent
with a crop for twenty years.
I spaded and pulverized the soil.
We'd plant a garden on Mother's Day.
Broccoli, squash and muskmelon,
cucumbers, cauliflower and asparagus.
Sunflowers, zinnias, and marigolds.
We'd make a garden this year.
The children would have asparagus in adulthood,
like the pecan tree
my daddy planted when I was a child.
I waited till noon. Plans changed.
The children' won't be coming home
for Mother's Day. In my hands
I hold twelve packages of seeds.
From my cookbook, The Supper Club,© 1985, Rozanne.
This one was for sauces, vegetables, soup, and sandwiches
Home Sweet Home
"Home is best" I embroideredon a tea towel when I was sixteen,
a young woman at the stove
and a cat nearby, a teenage girl's
dream of happiness in cross stitch.
With every stitch I dreamed
of the man I would marry,
the children I would raise,
the home I would have.
In those days a girl had a hope chest.
So I made tea towels and pillow cases
and samplers. All the women
of my family embroidered.
"Life had not reward nobler than friendship."
"Today is the first day of the rest of your life."
"Thank you for the world so sweet,
thank you for the food we eat."
"Home is best," stained spotted towel.
It's twenty years later and
I'm divorced. I'm a temporary typist.
From my cookbook, The Supper Club,© 1985, Rozanne.
This is the one for breads
Woman Shopper
She'd been shopping today,seven shopping bags full of cans
and all her belongings.
She sat huddled in a corner
her bas beside her
waiting for the bus I guess.
Why would she become a bag lady?
From my cookbook, The Supper Club,© 1985, Rozanne.
This one is for Salads
Paper Dolls and Plastic Beads
We are little girls foreverrepeating the memories of the future
with our paper dolls and plastic beads
and yearnings to be grown up
and play house with real dishes,
a husband and babies.
One day it is real,
but we must remember
we are little girls forever
with memories of the future
plus a grocery list.
From my cookbook The Supper Club,© 1985,Rozanne
I'm finished putting the notebook together, but thought I'd type a few of my poems. This one was in the section titled "Letters to Children."
Afternoon Practice
I play Chopin's Revolutionary Etudeto the Batman theme song on TV
while the egg timer ticks the minutes
till the clothes are ready for the rinse cycle
and I run down the stairs to turn the knob.
The washing machine timer is broken.
I tune out the TV
and the kids tune out the piano
and we both enjoy what we're doing
to the background hum of air conditioning
on this scorching hot July afternoon in Atlanta.
The bell rings before I finish the song.
From my cookbook The Supper Club,© 1985,Rozanne
These are from the cookbook I typed up for David when he was busy in plays in high school. Most of it I wrote while on this boring temporary job as a receptionist where I barely answered the phone
Waking to daylightand the reflection of the prism
on the bedroom door
I know I've made it one more day.
From my cookbook The Supper Club,© 1985,Rozanne
This is my favorite for breakfast, drinks and punch. I wrote it right after the Iranian hostages were released and they said how wonderful it was to see daylight.
A Day with My Three Dogs
Meals, several times a day.Michelle joined us.
Forgot to watch for wagging tails.
All comfortable.
Meals, several times a day.
Tails wagging.
We are all comfortable.
Hoover comes from yard
When he hears clicker.
Tails wagging, very happy.
Hunter comes from other room
When he heard me
Working with Hoover.
Episode, quick growl at backdoor
Over who would go out.
Had just been so happy.
Very good at supper.
Wagging tails, motivated.
Michelle is getting grouchy at door.
(Footnote: Michelle is not me, it is her sheltie)
Is this a Poem? (After watching Andy Warhol)
I don’t understand this I don’t understand I understand this I don’t understand this I this I understand don’t I understand this I understand this I don’t I don’t this I don’t understand this this this I I understand don’t I I don’t this I don’t I understand I this I this this I don’t don’t don’t understand understand understand this understand I don’t I don’t I understand this I don’t don’t don’t understand I I I I I I I I I this I understand I understand I this I understand I don’t understand this I. Understand I this I don’t understand.(lol)
My eyes are getting bad,though not too bad,
just sort of bad
in that I can't see
the small print on the bottle
to find out how much lotion to put on my arm.
I have to reach my neck like a giraffe
over the frozen food counter
to see if I'm buying flounder or orange roughy.
I can't decipher red print against purple flowers and green lily pads.
I thought it was my glasses.
Yes, it must be my glasses that I have this problem
or maybe the cataracts are getting worse.
I've always had trouble seeing
so that's a good thing.
You don't really know you are getting older
just because now you can't see as well.
Dia de los Muertos
For Michelle, my sheltieThe dead always leave something behind.
My mother left her fingernail in her bed.
My dad left unpaid traffic tickets in his car
My mother-in-law left an angel paperweight
In her otherwise empty house.
My father-in-law left a black butterfly
Who on occasion lingers at my backporch.
My dad left more, the West Texas sunset,
A sun that filled the entire sky as he departed
And every now and then returns,
And my mother-in-law left me Michelle,
Now my Michelle, the sheltie
Who died today as I was bathing her
And she left some of her hair in the drain.
I found it there as I cleaned the tub
For a warm bath to relax and forget this day.
Her spot is empty where she slept
At the foot of my bed near the dresser
But her shrill bark pierces the silence
Of our All Saint’s Day vigil, disturbing me
And my two other dogs who sniff blankets
And bark at imaginary sounds
Now that Michelle is gone.
Mother, where are you when I need you?
Would you send me your prayers.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Bored... Right?
Yeah I know everyone is bored these days. Nothing to do but sit there and think of how you have nothing to do and wish (or not wish) that you had something to do. I seem to be the only person here with parents that actually have huge dreams for their kid. I'm stuck doing lots of academic stuff, beeeleeve me.
I passed the rest of the time watching all these Disney show episodes (Wizards of Waverly Place, Sonny with a Chance, Suite Life on Deck, etc) on youtube. I just love that place. Great way to burn off the boredom. And, there's this really addicting game (on, figures) called Burger Tycoon. Go search it I don't feel like putting on a link.
It's where you run this burger place and you have to oversee the cows and the headquarters and the store and you try to make money but it's really hard, I can tell you.
Oh! I forgot to tell you guys! My parents found this awesome house in NJ that they are seriously considering buying. And guess what! It's painted light blue on the outside! How awesome is that??? And its bedrooms are even awesomer!!! The master bedroom has its own parlor room for like tea guests and stuff! OMG!!! And, this one bedroom is about as big as my room and it has this big cathedral/pointed/slanted/(my piano room ceiling) ceiling that is awesome! But the only teeny problem is that the other bedroom is smaller than my brother's and doesn't have a cool ceiling. So me and my brother are at war now. I HAVE to get it tho. I'll probably post some pictures later because my parents are going to email them to me soon...
Also, I'm planning to paint a mural of all my Georgia friends on my bedroom wall. I'm going to have a picture of you're face, have you sign it, and draw you doing something that reflects your overall personality. Then I'm going to have a full body shot of each person and line them in the back. So, comment and write what you would like to be doing in the mural and I will consider you request. By the way, it's a park setting.
Only 1 more day of Spring Break! =(
I passed the rest of the time watching all these Disney show episodes (Wizards of Waverly Place, Sonny with a Chance, Suite Life on Deck, etc) on youtube. I just love that place. Great way to burn off the boredom. And, there's this really addicting game (on, figures) called Burger Tycoon. Go search it I don't feel like putting on a link.
It's where you run this burger place and you have to oversee the cows and the headquarters and the store and you try to make money but it's really hard, I can tell you.
Oh! I forgot to tell you guys! My parents found this awesome house in NJ that they are seriously considering buying. And guess what! It's painted light blue on the outside! How awesome is that??? And its bedrooms are even awesomer!!! The master bedroom has its own parlor room for like tea guests and stuff! OMG!!! And, this one bedroom is about as big as my room and it has this big cathedral/pointed/slanted/(my piano room ceiling) ceiling that is awesome! But the only teeny problem is that the other bedroom is smaller than my brother's and doesn't have a cool ceiling. So me and my brother are at war now. I HAVE to get it tho. I'll probably post some pictures later because my parents are going to email them to me soon...
Also, I'm planning to paint a mural of all my Georgia friends on my bedroom wall. I'm going to have a picture of you're face, have you sign it, and draw you doing something that reflects your overall personality. Then I'm going to have a full body shot of each person and line them in the back. So, comment and write what you would like to be doing in the mural and I will consider you request. By the way, it's a park setting.
Only 1 more day of Spring Break! =(
Monday, April 6, 2009
Spring Break!!!!
It's Spring Break! Yay!! I'm kinda and kinda not excited. I woke up this morning at 9, and I was like OMG I'M LATE FOR SCHOOL but then I was like oh yeah it's Spring Break. My brother came in and showed me two new quarter-backs that he found. One was Alaska and another was Hawaii. I thought that was kind of ironic, in a way.
I had a really weird dream last night. I don't want to bore you with the details, but I was sent to an asylum for some reason (that had to do with a French class?) and met a guy with superhuman knowlege and we escaped together and then ran away, with all these people on our heels. I seemed to have superhuman leg strength, as I bounded over fences and buildings easily. It felt so real. Weird. Daniel, Christina, Sarah, and Akash Doshi was in my dream. You guys were in my French class. Except for Akash I spotted him when I jumped over a fence. He was rubbing his head. It was really really really strange.
My dad's going to have to take away my brother and my games and wii console after tomorrow because he doesn't want anybody to steal anything when people start viewing the house. I spent an hour yesterday perfecting "Medium" level in Guitar Hero. I know that sounds pitiful but along the way I managed to get 98% of the notes of "My Name is Jonas" on Medium. I LOVE THAT SONG IT'S SO AWESOME!!! And then I attempted to play "Welcome to the Jungle" or something like that on Medium. I actually got 86% of the notes right!
Today (I just came back from playing Guitar Hero) I managed to play "Cliffs of Dover" on Medium with 91% right!!! I LOVE THAT SONG TOO!! You have to listen to both songs!
I found two great "To do list" sites that can help you remember stuff when your busy and be more efficient. Go recommend to your parents or go use it. Remember the Milk and Voo2do. The signups are free. Both are pretty good, but I think RTM has an easier to use interface, and isn't as confusing. And its cow is cute.
My dad found a list of every job in the US and their salaries. It's very nice. I don't know if I can download PDF stuff on my blog. Sorry. Go look for it tho, I think it's on the US Department of Labor website.
I saw the new episode of Sonny with a Chance!!! Called "Fast Friends." Jenny F. was TTLY! right! The little dog in the show, called Cupcake, is SOOO CUTE!!! OMGOMG!!! It was pretty funny but I noticed Zora wasn't there.
<3 Michelle!!!
I had a really weird dream last night. I don't want to bore you with the details, but I was sent to an asylum for some reason (that had to do with a French class?) and met a guy with superhuman knowlege and we escaped together and then ran away, with all these people on our heels. I seemed to have superhuman leg strength, as I bounded over fences and buildings easily. It felt so real. Weird. Daniel, Christina, Sarah, and Akash Doshi was in my dream. You guys were in my French class. Except for Akash I spotted him when I jumped over a fence. He was rubbing his head. It was really really really strange.
My dad's going to have to take away my brother and my games and wii console after tomorrow because he doesn't want anybody to steal anything when people start viewing the house. I spent an hour yesterday perfecting "Medium" level in Guitar Hero. I know that sounds pitiful but along the way I managed to get 98% of the notes of "My Name is Jonas" on Medium. I LOVE THAT SONG IT'S SO AWESOME!!! And then I attempted to play "Welcome to the Jungle" or something like that on Medium. I actually got 86% of the notes right!
Today (I just came back from playing Guitar Hero) I managed to play "Cliffs of Dover" on Medium with 91% right!!! I LOVE THAT SONG TOO!! You have to listen to both songs!
I found two great "To do list" sites that can help you remember stuff when your busy and be more efficient. Go recommend to your parents or go use it. Remember the Milk and Voo2do. The signups are free. Both are pretty good, but I think RTM has an easier to use interface, and isn't as confusing. And its cow is cute.
My dad found a list of every job in the US and their salaries. It's very nice. I don't know if I can download PDF stuff on my blog. Sorry. Go look for it tho, I think it's on the US Department of Labor website.
I saw the new episode of Sonny with a Chance!!! Called "Fast Friends." Jenny F. was TTLY! right! The little dog in the show, called Cupcake, is SOOO CUTE!!! OMGOMG!!! It was pretty funny but I noticed Zora wasn't there.
<3 Michelle!!!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Counter hits 100!!! Yay!
Today my blog was visited for the hundredth time!!! Yay! I can't believe it would hit 100 so soon! OMGOMGOMG!!!
My brother finished second in his chess tournament, but we didn't get the Guitar Hero game. I was disappointed, but he got to pick a smaller game that he wanted. His trophy is huge and blue.
Leigh Davidson came over today for 1 and 1/2 hours!! It was short and (message to Daniel: Leigh saw your ?plane? ride pictures that you wanted her to see on Facebook) we mostly played this new game I got for my DS called Professor Layton and the Curious Village. It is so fun!!!
You have to solve all these brain bender/mind teasers/brain teasers/puzzles to solve the mystery and go through the adventure. I'm stuck on this really hard one where you have to make these 3 guys who hate each other not cross paths. One amazing thing was that a puzzle I had spent almost an hour on in the demo on the website (and still didn't complete it), the same one popped up while I was playing with Leigh, and I figured it out in 11 moves, the minimum amount of moves required to solved the problem (in like 5 min). I'm starting to agree that Leigh is pretty special.
I spread pine straw over the backyard and on that little overdrop that you have to cross to get to the trampoline. It was really hard, and I did it without help from my brother (except for the back of the backyard) because he was too busy getting 4 hours of playtime with his friends. I was really angry at him because when I told him what I had done he just laughed at me with his friends. And I only got 1 hr 30 min to play!!! Grr...
Can't wait for school tomorrow!!! =)
My brother finished second in his chess tournament, but we didn't get the Guitar Hero game. I was disappointed, but he got to pick a smaller game that he wanted. His trophy is huge and blue.
Leigh Davidson came over today for 1 and 1/2 hours!! It was short and (message to Daniel: Leigh saw your ?plane? ride pictures that you wanted her to see on Facebook) we mostly played this new game I got for my DS called Professor Layton and the Curious Village. It is so fun!!!
You have to solve all these brain bender/mind teasers/brain teasers/puzzles to solve the mystery and go through the adventure. I'm stuck on this really hard one where you have to make these 3 guys who hate each other not cross paths. One amazing thing was that a puzzle I had spent almost an hour on in the demo on the website (and still didn't complete it), the same one popped up while I was playing with Leigh, and I figured it out in 11 moves, the minimum amount of moves required to solved the problem (in like 5 min). I'm starting to agree that Leigh is pretty special.
I spread pine straw over the backyard and on that little overdrop that you have to cross to get to the trampoline. It was really hard, and I did it without help from my brother (except for the back of the backyard) because he was too busy getting 4 hours of playtime with his friends. I was really angry at him because when I told him what I had done he just laughed at me with his friends. And I only got 1 hr 30 min to play!!! Grr...
Can't wait for school tomorrow!!! =)
Friday, March 27, 2009
Eric's at Jekyll Island...
Eric and my parents are at Jekyll Island so I'm here with my grandparents. Explaining-My brother has a chess tournament to go to. If he does well, me and my brother can finally get that Guitar Hero IV: World Tour set my dad has been holding over our heads for quite some time. But I don't have that much hope, because Eric's really unstable at tournaments, if you know what I mean.
Oh, by the way, to the people who have read Bleach or wants to read any other popular Manga Series (Like Naruto or DragonballZ) here is an awesome place where you can read it for free, so you don't have to buy the actual book.=)
We are still slaving around the house, enough to make me dread the weekends. Uggh. This weekend isn't any better. In addition, I can't have any playdates cause... u know.
It's kinda weird how I sort my school day..
So... =)=)=)
Why don't any of you participate in my survey? I'm hurt... jk. There are like no votes.
Oh and guess what! I added a visit counter to my blog that counts how many times this page has been loaded. Awesome!!! It's actually a lot more than I expected. Like 10x more! Thnx everybody!!!
I just had an idea! We can start a Role Playing! You know, like I write a story and you continue it. But you guys (if you want to do it) will have to "register", I guess (press the comment button and write the necessary information). I'm not expecting much, but if at least one of you "registers", we can do it. How about it!!!??
Ok, so here is how it goes:
Name: Ayame "Aya" Karasuma (click here for a random Japanese name generator)
Gender: Girl
DOB: July 23
Nationality: Japanese ( I dunno why I suddenly felt like being someone Japanese) o.O
Appearance: Deep Purple eyes, long black hair, pale skin. Tall but slightly fat. She may sound pretty but overall she isn't. Her nose is small and pinchy and her ears a bit too big. Yet lots of guys like her because of her unusual purple eyes
Personality: She is very energetic. However, she is a big klutz who lives in the shadow of her "perfect" big sister. She has lots of friends and tends of overreact a lot in simple situations.
Interesting Stuff: She has a weird obsession with carrots, and its also obsessed with her weight. She likes the colors orange and yellow and smiles a lot.
Ok. The girl in the picture has reddish-purple eyes but she fit all my other requirements. You don't HAVE to upload a picture. I don't think you even can from the comment box. If you want to load a picture just give the link. =)
If you've read all the way to the bottom of this post, give yourself a pat on the back! =)
Oh, by the way, to the people who have read Bleach or wants to read any other popular Manga Series (Like Naruto or DragonballZ) here is an awesome place where you can read it for free, so you don't have to buy the actual book.=)
We are still slaving around the house, enough to make me dread the weekends. Uggh. This weekend isn't any better. In addition, I can't have any playdates cause... u know.
It's kinda weird how I sort my school day..
Morning-Math. Once math is over I can finally start enjoying my day
Afternoon-Rest of my periods. They are ok, I really don't have a favorite one.
Post Afternoon-Band. Nice. A few friends in that class make it interesting...
Post of Post Afternoon-HEALTH!!! =) Mr. Lyon is so awesome and funny!
Afternoon-Rest of my periods. They are ok, I really don't have a favorite one.
Post Afternoon-Band. Nice. A few friends in that class make it interesting...
Post of Post Afternoon-HEALTH!!! =) Mr. Lyon is so awesome and funny!
So... =)=)=)
Why don't any of you participate in my survey? I'm hurt... jk. There are like no votes.
Oh and guess what! I added a visit counter to my blog that counts how many times this page has been loaded. Awesome!!! It's actually a lot more than I expected. Like 10x more! Thnx everybody!!!
I just had an idea! We can start a Role Playing! You know, like I write a story and you continue it. But you guys (if you want to do it) will have to "register", I guess (press the comment button and write the necessary information). I'm not expecting much, but if at least one of you "registers", we can do it. How about it!!!??
Ok, so here is how it goes:
Name: Ayame "Aya" Karasuma (click here for a random Japanese name generator)
Gender: Girl
DOB: July 23
Nationality: Japanese ( I dunno why I suddenly felt like being someone Japanese) o.O
Appearance: Deep Purple eyes, long black hair, pale skin. Tall but slightly fat. She may sound pretty but overall she isn't. Her nose is small and pinchy and her ears a bit too big. Yet lots of guys like her because of her unusual purple eyes
Personality: She is very energetic. However, she is a big klutz who lives in the shadow of her "perfect" big sister. She has lots of friends and tends of overreact a lot in simple situations.
Interesting Stuff: She has a weird obsession with carrots, and its also obsessed with her weight. She likes the colors orange and yellow and smiles a lot.
If you've read all the way to the bottom of this post, give yourself a pat on the back! =)
Monday, March 23, 2009
Reflections State 1st place Winner! Oh yea!
Hello Everyone! I felt like telling the whole world that I got number 1 (yes one!!) in the state for Reflections in the Musical Composition section. I'm so happy! When I move to New Jersey at least I'll have something to brag about. However, my entry didn't make it to go to Nationals. After State the grades get divided into divisions (Senior 9-12, Intermediate 6-8, Junior 3-5, etc) and even though I was first the guy who won first place for eighth grade moved onto nationals. Another thing that made me angry was that they didn't display the musical scores of the Musical Compostion winners. The music wasn't even played! I was so angry! They had to leave out the musical composition entries out of the display. It made me SOOOO angry!
I spent the whole weekend renovating my house. Actually, I mostly worked on the front and back yard. My parents decided that planting these Florida flowers in a circle around our tree in the front yard about half an inch apart were necessary, as well as digging up our bamboo trees and rolling them over and lifting them up onto that little outdrop thingy that you have to walk on to get onto the trampoline. As well as planting a row of flowers along the fence in the back yard. Yeah. My back and neck and legs were SO sore after that!
I spent the whole weekend renovating my house. Actually, I mostly worked on the front and back yard. My parents decided that planting these Florida flowers in a circle around our tree in the front yard about half an inch apart were necessary, as well as digging up our bamboo trees and rolling them over and lifting them up onto that little outdrop thingy that you have to walk on to get onto the trampoline. As well as planting a row of flowers along the fence in the back yard. Yeah. My back and neck and legs were SO sore after that!
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